I surrendered...


It all started in 2012...

After an extremely tumultuous time in my life, I set out on yet another unplanned but destined journey to Bali Indonesia. During my time of soul searching, and hoping to ” find myself ” I was guided by spirit to find and experience Sound Healing. Not only did I begin my healing journey but I came to love, accept and cherish who I was, who I am. 

I “found myself” indeed AND as an extra bonus discovered my passion. Of course, that would be too easy, at the time I was too blind and unaware that I had found my mission, my purpose. Instead, I nearly had to die, literally, and spend a week in the hospital, have a few surgeries and be confined to my home for a few months to really become enlightened and “get the message”, rudely, painfully and obviously. I had been suppressing, who I was and wanted to be for years, because it was a scary path, a “non” normal journey. I now fully embrace it and have pride in my out of the box life. 

Finally, I began following my intuition, deciding to pursue the study of sound as medicine and healing with total discipline dedication and reference for this new found love. Since, I recognized and embraced my mission my life is filled with joy, happiness, love, compassion, excitement, fulfillment and that inner calm and peace I had been searching for. With the bowls, Tibetan, Crystal and Sacred Sounds I found home, and I can go home anytime I chose, from anywhere. 

As a Healer, I am honored to be working in the most beautiful and most sacred ancient profession in the world to help spread love, light, vibration, sound and energy to those in need. I also teach and train students in sound healing and lead retreats internationaly. I work as a full time healer, teacher and lifetime student serving the community through sound and holding a space of compasssion, kindness and love. 

I am honored, humbled and in awe of the work I do guided by spirit, channeling guides and masters as well as using the power of my own intention and dedication. I strive to constantly grow, learn and develop as a healer and as a human through furthering my studies with wise teachers, reading and throughout my daily practice and sessions both alone and with clients.